A video from my recent swim and what the dolphins first shared with me about their greater purpose & our connection with them…
Learn one of the most powerful ways to engage your co-creative influence. After watching the clip, put it into action with a simple, 3-step process.
This guided process teaches you how to use the power of heart coherence to increase your manifestation energy and co-create a harmonious future for humanity.
In the last live channeling session with the Pleaidians, an attendee asked about the age of Aquarius & the shifts that are coming.
“Amongst the storm behold your eternal eye. The very forces of creation stir within each of you. The only battle is that of forgetting your eternal nature.” - Yeshua
Whether you’re going through a personal hardship, feeling the effects of collective trauma or just need a reminder of your greater purpose, this channeled piece is intended to serve as a gateway to your healing.
A channeled transmission from the Arcturians on how to move through our collective shift and personal struggles - cause same, same! ;)
I recently opened to channel and my guides broke down these three laws of creation, how to work with them and specific practices you can use to fortify your manifestation power and connection to the field.
“As you tune into your feeling-self, beyond the mind within the purity of feeling; you will find that personal guidance is quite easy and available. It is also within this space that we reside; in the energetic field. So as you clear your own pathways within, you begin to clear the pathways to resonate more clearly with “others” and us….”
A channeled transmission from the Pleiadians on manifestation and co-creating from the light body. I’d recommend trying on some of the perspectives with anything that’s present for you as you read through their message. For more channeled transmissions, intuition tools and healing modalities check out my new monthly portal!
A four step process to transform your subconscious blocks into your greater potential. Download this free introduction to the Beyond Form Method and begin to unlock your soul’s manifestation power.
Free breathwork meditation for manifestation. Learn how to magnify your manifestation power and clear subconscious blocks by aligning with the soul.
“Remember that faith is not something to hold to, faith is the inner knowing you come here with - the cord of trust that does not attach itself to the physical world. Faith is the choice to not hold to the parts of you that remain tethered to what was, but to navigate ahead from the light within…”
Channeled insight, writing prompts and meditations to actualize your your higher expression.
Channeled insight on how to discern fear from intuition and the importance of dissecting our belief systems in this time of great change. We’re at an apex still and our individual relationships with fear will determine the future of the collective. My guide and the arcturians offered some helpful insight and simple processes to help us reclaim our power and step more fully into our mastery and higher truth.
A channeled transmission on our deeper healing and how to begin to dismantle the conditioning that upholds our collective imbalance and injustice.
Channeled insight about how to move through the deeper work needed for us to shift our future. In order for us to rise above our fears about the virus, the economy and the systems in place WE have to level up. THIS IS ABOUT US DOING THE DEEPER WORK, REALLY DOING IT. No matter where we stand (I’ve got a lot of leveling up to do!) we have to begin to embody the truths we talk about. Some loving and shift-provoking questions are asked by Jesus and the Arcturians…
Some channeled insight on the deeper meaning and potential of the coronavirus. ‘We understand the reasons you have become afraid, but we simply ask for you to look a the structures of safety you have crated. What foundation were they built upon? Which self do they support? We find it fascinating to watch what length and energy goes into sustaining the self that is in truth not real, the future self, the self that is interpreted by others, who is linear, and who asks others to uphold their truth….
Although I know very little about the time of Jesus, I’ve been told by different psychics throughout my life I was there. My parents weren’t religious and I’ve actually never picked up a bible. Regardless of what really occurred, I understand that it was important for my soul to witness the healing and transformation possible from the embodiment of love. Mary Magdalene has been coming up lately and I’ve been connecting with her via channeling. These are two transmissions that came through for our January and February breathwork classes.
Last year I went to French Polynesia to swim with the humpbacks. After our swims I would connect to ask about what it all meant. Did they have messages for us? What was shared was at first hard for me to digest, but the essence of ‘why’ we’re here. When you ask big questions (or mammals?) you get big answers…
A piece of a channeled transmission with the Pleiadians from retreat. Someone asked ‘How can we be a solution to global warming and the environmental issues we’re experiencing?'
Channeled transmissions from the Pleiadians + Jesus. (Cause why not?) ‘Enlightenment arrives at every moment, because it is truth, it Is. But it is ok to do the dance with what you call the ego. How long you dance is up to you.’
Confessions of a spiritual healer. How I’m turning a manifesting ‘fail’ into a soulful win. How to check the ego and pivot into your soul.
I’ve been ‘visiting’ the other side in readings for 10 years, I’ve had some powerful energy activations that really shifted me … I channel other dimensional beings for god’s sake, but my experience with breathwork was different. I had an awakening… Try it for free with this guided mp3..
An easy way to connect with your infinite self to manifest and it will give you the inspiration you need to carry out those big goals. Get clear on the lessons that your soul is trying to expand through so that you can create from clarity and potency.
We say we want to be more intuitive, more connected to our purpose, but how much time and space are we actually carving out for our soul? I’ve found this to be the most powerful way to bring my soul in, and some questions I return to daily to re-align me with my purpose.
I let my ego get the best of me sometimes... especially when it comes to romantic relationships. The other day I used this process to walk myself back to alignment and it really worked!
I was astounded how fast the universe responded when I asked from my soul… Things are manifesting much faster now. Read about this simple trick and upcoming workshops in France + Europe!
A three-step process for manifestation and a clip from Bree's recent online channeling Q&A session with the Pleiadians. When it comes to shifting your beliefs, "What if it could be easy?"