A compact course that teaches you how to reprogram your deep subconscious and manifest your desires with the field. Including lessons, easy cognitive methods, breathwork and channeled energetic practices.
the fast track to your highest expression
This course isn’t about making incremental uplevels, the basics of manifesting or having to clearing “x” amount of blocks in order to manifest. This is about learning to work with the laws of creation to actualize your true expression as a Creator.
The Foundation includes my “best of” methods for quick transformation, new channeled practices, our most popular breathwork recordings to reprogram your subconscious including several lessons on how to clearly access your soul’s guidance and manifestation power.
After years of reserving my more in-depth material for my coaching programs, I created this “all-in-one” offering to include the core of my advanced teachings and the more recent insight I’ve received as a channel. If you’re new to my work and wanting to make big change without making a big commitment, this course will serve as the fast track to the next highest version of you!