and does everyone have the ability?
Like any skill, with enough curiosity, practice and genuine desire to grow and be of service yes - anyone can learn how to channel. (Start with a free 90 min intuitive class linked below!) However there are some misconceptions about channeling that can cause confusion, doubt and even block us from receiving. Learn more below on how to discern the difference between thought, intuition and what’s “channeled”.
channeling vs receiving MESSAGES
Our intuition is the most natural part of us. Learning how to reconnect with our intuitive channels just takes some clear guidance and practical tools. However, “getting messages from spirit” is different than trance channeling. Trance channeling is the ability to reach a deep meditative state and allow (with learned boundaries and methods) for higher energies to speak through the channel. In simple terms, a channel’s voice, body and essence are used as a mic vs having a two-way conversation with spirit.
When someone communicates with “the other side” to receive messages there’s a translation and relaying of words, ideas and images that occurs. It’s more like a conversation.
When someone trance channels, the current of information comes through the channel in real time and without the channel’s personal interpretations or unconscious bias.
The altered meditative state or ‘trance’ state along with practiced methods allows for a stream of pure, unfiltered and higher intelligence to come through. The channel is essentially creating an access point to receive higher frequencies of energy, information and healing.
defining channeling on beyond belief with george noory:
how to discern if something is “channeled”
Channeled messages will always be highly conscious, loving, void of judgment and support the collective’s growth. You’ll often hear messages from a “we” perspective because there’s no hierarchy or separation in oneness-consciousness.
Channeled information will never tell you what to do or portray ideals of good vs evil. Instead, it will highlight harmonious order and present ways to view and interact with the world from a higher awareness.
If you sense anything beyond that, there’s likely a human filter at play. As a channel, you have to learn to completely let go of your conscious mind - which takes a lot of practice, a proficient teacher and two other things most don’t realize…
In addition to learning safe methods, there are also two other vital requirements to become clear channel:
A genuine desire to expand your consciousness and be of service
A willingness to do inner work to dissolve the ego
This is why all my classes teach you how to clear out dense, form-based, (ego) beliefs. The block to every desire (including intuition) is always in direct relation to how much we’re consciously or unconsciously leading with our ego. The deeper personal work you do, the more you resonate with the higher frequency and perspective of your soul … and your intuitive channels naturally open. Learn more about how to open your own channels or access channeled transmissions on how to manifest and align with your soul below!
Psychic Bootcamp is a hands-on training program that will teach you how to harness every aspect of your intuition. Get started with a free 90min class: