Accelerate your manifestations by triggering your soul’s power vs your ego’s patterns. In the free downloadable workbook below, you’ll be guided through the basic introduction to the Beyond Form Method; a profound 4 step process (that we build upon in the program) that can transform any block into your greater manifestation power. To enhance your manifestations, try the free guided breathwork meditation (linked below) before and/or after completing the Beyond Form Method.
In order to manifest the life we want, we have to understand two basic things:
Why our ego is holding on to subconscious limitation and
How to accept the invitations to our soul’s greater power
Everything in the universe serves a purpose. We don’t hold on to “negative” patterns without reason. In order to break free from limitation we have to become aware of the ego’s subconscious negotiations, but more importantly, we have to train ourselves how to see and accept our perceived “limitations” as invitations to expand. For more insight on how the ego and soul work read this short breakdown.
All things in the universe exist in the name of expansion. Yep, even (and especially) our blocks. They’re meant to be used as energetic momentum for co-creation. The first step to transforming blocks in the Beyond Form Method is “The Invitation”: recognizing what may present as lack or an “unwanted” circumstance as an invitation to expand. In other words, we can choose to trigger our patterns or we can choose to trigger the greater power available to us when we show up differently. (And not to worry, if we choose not to accept the invitation the uni will lovingly offer us an infinite amount of opportunities to choose again - because everything - yes, everything exists for us to expand through.
The moment we say “yes” to the invitation and begin to shift our perception, we begin to shift our reality. In accepting the invitation to consider a higher awareness we begin to summon forth a higher version of ourselves (and therefore a higher vibrational set point for manifestation energy.) In the mini-workbook below you’ll be guided through the remaining three steps of the Beyond Form Method to support you in tapping into your soul’s manifestation power.
To get the most out of this exercise, create an intentional time and space to allow you to really process the prompts and understand the basics of the method. Gently consider what challenges have been showing up in your life lately: Is there something you desire but feels blocked by internal or external obstacles? What feels difficult?
After working through the prompts, you can enhance your manifestations by doing the FREE GUIDED BREATHWORK to help you to reprogram your subconscious and gain further insight!
Harness your soul’s creative power and purpose. Check out the Beyond Form Program below! A life-altering course and massive library of tools for manifestation and transformation. Monthly (intimate) group coaching with Bree, bonus master classes and an incredible community of like-hearted souls!