Bree Melanson Spiritual Channel and Teacher

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Empowering Your Solstice and New Year's Intentions

I’ve been seeing posts around “getting passed 2020" and “putting it behind us”. Ummmm, rut ro. If that’s our perspective this psychic is 1000% predicting we’ll get more of the same - and honestly more of everything we’re not taking personal accountability for. The time that we’re in (yes - as hard as it has been) is an opportunity for us to deepen our values, heal, look closely at our desires and the systems we’re upholding…and turn this ship around! If we’re honest with ourselves the path we were on wasn’t so hot. Sometimes I look back like, “Girl, where were you going with that? What was the end goal there? And why so reachy?” ;)

We’re being asked to truly go inward, to stop - really stop the ways we work to uphold the identity and redefine our values from our inherent core. The disconnect with our higher selves is the imbalance we witness. We’re not separate from what is before us. We are one. This isn’t a cute spiritual notion - it’s an actual thing. Look how nature works in perfect harmony. Look at the fabric of the entire (known) universe being held as one. I mean NO WONDER it’s so hard trying to keep the separateness of the ego alive!

Often the ‘bigger’ collective problems feel out of our hands - but they lie within the depths of our being. We have to rise above the consciousness that created the conditioning that keeps us stuck. In other words, you can’t express your fullest potential (which is in perfect congruence with the whole) if you’re stuck in the limited perceptions about who you are in relation to the world around you - aka the identity. We must come from a deeper place within us to transcend. Your healing matters. Your choices matter. Your voice matters - even your thoughts matter. No one thing is separate.


The below is a snippet from a longer transmission on how to move through the year ahead…

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our path to remembrance



Everything in the universe bears purpose. Everything. We can’t summon the moon, universal forces or some deity to “release all that doesn’t serve us”. The truth is, all of our unwanted stuff is serving us - it’s serving the identity. The identity believes it’s separate and therefore reliant on the outer world to sustain its sense of worth, safety or well-being. It’s in constant negotiation because it’s attempting to sustain its illusion.

All healing occurs beyond form in the unconditional. We have to know beyond all conditions that we’re lovable and remember that we are love. This knowing can only be found by resonating with our inherent nature - our soul, the part of us that tethers us to oneness; which is Truth.

So if you want to release something, release the identity’s perceptions that are keeping the “unwanted” things in place. Consider where it’s in negotiation to get love, worth or well-being. At any given moment we’re either in service to our soul or our ego. If you’re suffering, you’re in service to the ego. But when you’re in service to the soul it’s impossible to suffer because the intention is pure - it’s unconditional.

Try on the following prompts to gain clarity on what truly needs to be released and the higher awareness needed to give way to your desires. “I know I have been carrying the heavy illusion that ____. (The identity’s negotiation) I see now that this condition is an invitation for me to _____. (step into an unconditional knowing) I’m ready to _____.”



If you look closely, where do your desired manifestations come from? The ego or the soul? The ego will try to prove its worth through outer conditions. The soul’s desires will speak through inspiration; which has no agenda. The soul is driven by resonance, service and collaboration (i.e. expansion)! When your desires come from the soul, the part of you that’s aligned with source energy - they pack more punch, they have a greater purpose and a bigger channel to move through. THEY ARE MORE MAGNETIC. Why would your soul want the things your ego desires? Try writing your intentions from this space.

EX: “I want to live in a multi-million dollar beachfront property.” vs "I want to live close to the ocean so that I feel aligned with nature and the truth of who I really am. I want to be able to see the ocean so that my perspectives remain expansive, inflow and in unison with the growth of all things.”

We say we want abundance, peace, intuition, freedom, etc. - but how much time are we dedicating to the soul; to the source energy that lives within us? And how are we utilizing our incredible gift of will? In each moment, we have the opportunity to shift our gaze, to will our higher expression into being. It doesn’t happen by making wishes to a universe that “exists outside of you”. It happens through choice, perception and conscious intention. You're it, baby. You are the universe expanding - right here, right now - even, and especially in this miraculous body you’re temporarily inhabiting. After considering the prompts above, try the visioning meditation below!


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Heart Coherence + Manifestation Meditation

There’s also a free breathwork meditation under “breesources” that can be useful for shifting stuck energy. I’m so excited about the new material I’m working on and can’t wait to share it with you in the Spring. Please join our mailing list below for more resources and support.

