Bree Melanson Spiritual Channel and Teacher

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A Message From The Dolphins & Video From My Latest Swim

I’ve been going to Hawaii to swim with the dolphins since 2009 and I rarely bring my camera in with me but last week as I sat on the beach calling for them to come into the bay and setting my intentions I *also* understood how powerful and helpful their visual transmission can be. So when they showed up I reluctantly grabbed my big, bright, dorky camera cover and made my way out. 🤓 (Video included below.)

The first time I learned that I (we) could communicate them, I asked some basic question about a baby in the pod. They responded by showing me the profound wisdom they held about earth, humanity and other inhabitants like the Lemurians. 

I was stunned.

Clearly frozen in my basic-girl era I asked, “Well then what are you doing just swimming around in the water?”

“We’re holding the vibration for the planet.

Although we’re being shown the grave ways humanity has become lost, disconnected and even malevolent - there are SO many conscious energies working for us and “holding the line” vibrationally to support us in moving towards our destined harmony and re-membrance.

I’ve been thinking about this sweet pod every day since this swim out there hunting, boinking and playing… while humbly offering their entire life essence as the most beautiful, sacred act.

We are (also) so very held. Nature is our greatest healer. The video below of the pod is a transmission in itself. Below the video is a longer channeling from a connection during my previous trip. 

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I was present during my swim with the dolphins but came home after and channeled the consciousness of the pod. They opened with how and why we feel the way we do when we're in the water with them:

"When you feel the essence of beauty, truth or joy within your cells and being you are re-membering your oneness. It is a felt remembrance of your whole, true nature - and in so, the re-emergence and integration of your whole self. This is what humans experience in our presence.

Through the simplicity of our play, they are reminded of the harmony that is truth - that is their truth. Through this re-membering or matching of energies they are taken "home" beyond time and space; temporarily freed from their outer world. In the water and within our energetic presence, there is a healing cavern or portal made possible for them to become free; and therefore open to receive healing. Their usually engaged senses are subdued and others heightened. There is a broadening of their awareness that occurs - partially with the purpose of sustaining their physical expression but also their spiritual evolution; for these run concurrently.

There is not an individual who is not affected in some way through our resonance but we remind you that it is your harmonious resonance that you’re remembering. We hold a certain frequency in so making it possible for others to reach it as well. Because of our physical incarnation (as dolphins) we are free to hold a steady vibration of harmony, unity and freedom. Humans perceive themselves to be less free to hold this state because they are tempted by the (external/conditional) world that deviates from harmony.

Our presence reminds you that it is possible to live in union, for needs to be innately met…. for joy, abundance, ease and satisfaction to be experienced inherently. Humans relish in our presence because of the joy we emulate, which is really just the natural resonance with truth and harmony."

I've heard that inter-dimensional beings are sometimes here as dolphins and asked about it:

"It is through our resonance just as you reach as a channel that makes dimensional unions possible.  It is through the energetic portals that are possible through us, you and many things that "they" (or higher, alternate intelligence) can merge. It is also true that (human) souls experience incarnations in different forms. It is not impossible a that human has been a dolphin and a dolphin a human. Often your experience of feeling "home" and whole in our presence is also your remembrance of lives lived within the embrace of water and water like elements."

At the time I began crying because I was feeling the depth of the beauty and truth they were sharing. *This doesn’t happen when I trance channel because "Bree" is mostly out of the way and not processing the information in real time. In this session, I was opening more of my ear and mind to receive. They shared the following notion about crying in circumstances like this:

"When you cry you release. You are releasing old untruths from your total being. So it is yes, the experience feeling the higher awareness and vibration of love that you are receiving but at the same time you must release lower vibrational patterns within your cellular structure to receive this."

So when we cry because we’re moved by something and feel a sense of an overwhelming love, we’re feeling the size of that more expansive love and wisdom but we’re ALSO cleansing and detoxing the old in order to make room for that higher vibrational wisdom. I asked if they had any other last truths:

"Be free. Choose to feel, express and experience freedom. Your will, as humans, allows you to experience much more freedom and elation. There is no limit to your ability to ascend, other than that of a larger collective tone that exists, but still, your will is what allows utter collective and personal transcendence.”

In other words, WE activate the transcendence and collective healing Lastly, they shared that we can visit with them in meditation. They showed me that I can think about that pod and remember my experience… and so can anyone. You can call them into your meditations and experience the same resonance and "healing" you would in the physical.