Bree Melanson Spiritual Channel and Teacher

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Mary Magdalene + Jesus Transmissions

Although I know very little about the time of Jesus, I’ve been told by different psychics that I was there in a previous incarnation and knew him. Regardless if I was or the details of what transpired, it’s my understanding that it was important for my soul to witness the healing and transformation possible through the embodiment of love.

My parents weren’t religious and I’ve actually never picked up a bible but Mary Magdalene has been coming up a lot lately and I’ve been curious about connecting with her. This was a transmission from January and I was asking how to support a breathwork class around moving into change and creating our desires. The other is from our most recent breathwork class on love and i’m including one of the transmissions from Jesus.


‘Dearest one, you have come to me with your inquiries, your troubles and your open heart. This is a time when many are asking the same questions as you do. Where are we to go, how can I offer this information to the world and what are we to do with it?  

The message is always the same, it is to love. It is to choose love above all else. It is to remember that the essence of god is in your heart and this is how peace is reached regardless of the sermon. This was our intention, to bridge the worlds by the heart - to spread ‘the word’ - the word of love.

It was to follow not what was ordained, but what transpires within. It was the ultimate crusade for love. It was to resist the power and intention of fear with this love. It was to not join forces to go against, but to remain steadfast in the light. This was not wanted because no one could see that it would be possible to live in peace, so it was feared and stifled. We were looked upon as relics, this is why Jesus was killed, it was partly because of his power but not directly, it was his heretic ways that caused the fear to ensue, even though this was done with love, it was against the law.

I sought peace in my heart at a young age, I saw how the system kept people in prison. I was not against the monetary system, but how it entrapped people. I watched love diminish amongst the attempts to suffice the identity, so this became my story. To follow the freedom in being, which is what we truly yearn for, even today.

The surge of entrepreneurship is the desire to be free, to lead with the heart and nothing more. It is only when people begin to waiver in their need for acclaim that it becomes difficult to sustain. It is challenging for people to trust that all can be done, and that their needs can be taken care of from a place of love, so we continue to waiver.

It is also what you are struggling with amongst your specific culture with at tyrant ruler in place. He is screaming for those with fear, which is all of us, but we are being shown that this again, cannot be sustained.

Pray for peace. Pray for peace because it softens your heart, nothing more. Your heart is a part of the eternal heart, so as you lighten your load you are offering your pureness, and you also affect the world around you, merely by your essence. It is less about the words and more the feeling you project.

So as you forge into your new chapter which you have created, notice where you have been leaning on the walls of fear to uphold your being, and how you may enter this time from the purity of your heart.

Where might you have been trusting in the limited world which exchanges tit for tat? Can you see that this is where your suffering lies? 

And what if you trusted in your heart? What if you ONLY followed this trail? For this is the path that will lead you to the freedom, and the riches – but what you really seek is freedom.  If you were to follow THIS heart, where might it lead you?

All creation is fueled by desire, and your greater desire is to know love. Subconsciously or consciously it is your intentions that determine what transpires before you. Check-in with your plans from this space. See what opens within you. Your heart is the building block for your reality. Come home to this place and all becomes clear. All is revealed, and all is sustained from this place.

Be watchful of the mind, notice where it reaches to the past or present to identify the self to find a sure foot in ‘reality’, when all that is real is here and now. If you were to give the mind one job, to follow the heart, to listen and translate its wisdom, then what is possible?

Peace is possible. But more than that, world peace is possible. If you think of the energy of stress that exists within you, and you imagine the entire world without it - imagine what is possible through the simplicity of the heart. Entirely new worlds are shaped with the intention of love, which is infinite in itself. So, when you work together form this space literally all wealth is one, and there is no less than, there is unity, there is ease, there is transcendence. 

Let your heart be your compass. Not the heart that aches, for this is the ego that cries. The sorrow you feel is the ripping apart from centuries of believing in the limited world. Of course, I would cry if another left, but I would hold true that our path is one, no matter the form. I held sorrow for the hearts of all, that couldn’t see the truth and for what would continue to ensure. I did not hold sorry for him, for his life was in service of the word. (of love) 

Return to your sacred vessel, your conduit for creation. How are you considering your conduit? Do you see your body as a tool for your awakening, as an instrument to dance with the essence of life? Or are you believing it to be a tool to obtain value? 

What old parts of you must die in order to know the truth of love?

What does life look like without the burdens you have carried?

How are you to love? 

It is the magnification of god within your heart that allows you to recognize it around you. Look at the manifestations you desire, what do they stand for? Wouldn’t it be better to resonate with what they will bring first? See your visions in their full form and feel the blessings they bear.

You must let the feeling of love move through you fist, not focus on the absence of the physical manifestation. Allow the current of the universe move through you.  

Can you see that we are all really craving is this? Not the things, but the essence they’ll bring us. In a sense we are yearning for an aspect of ourselves that embodies a deeper truth and more expansive essence of life.

So through your desired manifestation, what will you embody? What truth shall you welcome forth now?’ 



“All unions are sacred, when you remember this you are free. When you remember this you free others simply with the gaze of your heart. How could all that is before you not be sacred? How could one thing be sacred and the other not? This is what it means to transcend illusion.


So, if you are holding worries or woes about lack within your beloved unions we ask you why you may not see it as beloved?  All form is god. It is all god. It is the ego that fights to be heard, seen and soothed. But how does your eternal heart remain? In peace. In your truth you are peaceful. So come home to this space so that you may redefine the world around you. 


Your eternal heart is your connection to all things. It is here in this space where you feel love, not in the mind. The mind fabricates and designs and draws conclusions. The eternal heart remains. It is what allows you to experience the essence of others. And can you imagine what your world would feel and be like if this is how you experienced everything? From the purity of your heart?


Do not look onto the world to gather solutions, can your presence be enough? If you embodied in one body, wouldn’t you use this one body to generate love? Trust that you can be carried, if our heart is our essence of god, how could we not tend to this so that may be sustained.


Attainment is an illusion. What truly comes of it? It is knowing. Ultimately it is the knowing that we are one. Often our inclination to attain is just our deeper desire to expand. If you rested in your peaceful and eternal heart in pure love, what would it look like if you allowed things to simply be?


If you did not hold your woes so that you could receive… You see we hold our grievances so that we can be heard, but who wants to be heard? Who cries? It is the forgetful one. The true self is knowing, peaceful and in reverence. So, release your grievances. Remember, you are here to spread the truth of love. You are here so that your essence is experienced by others, so that love is felt and understood by all.”